We are an independent energy consultancy who specialise in saving money on your gas and electricity, our experts analyse and monitor the most competitive rates across the entire energy market. call us on 02476 555115
We are an independent energy consultancy who specialise in saving money on your gas and electricity, our experts analyse and monitor the most competitive rates across the entire energy market. call us on 02476 555115
Price Shield offers you fixed price energy until April 2022 at wholesale rates and enables you to take advantage of the latest market movements.
Alternatively if you want a more personal approch please fill in the form below and one of our sales team will contact you.
Our online business energy comparison website is now live! this business comparison engine is the most advanced comparison program in the gas and electricity market, comparing all available prices instantly for your meter.
by simply providing your postcode our system can determine your current meter number and find you the best available price instantly.
if you have a broker why not put them to the test by comparing what you have been quoted to the prices we find for you! we are confident you will be shocked.
Happy with the price you have been offered? With a few more click you can simply switch your business energy to your new Gas/Electicity provider quickly and easily. Our system is integrated with companies house meaning all your data is provided to you in a simple dropdown.